Effects of the Pandemic on My Artistic Life


2020 was a terrible year for most businesses, but in particular the music business. The venues and festivals we were so used to playing year after year were suddenly forced to shut down, and we were told to only leave our homes for emergencies of groceries. Being quarantined like that can either make you go stir crazy,,or you can decide to use the time productively and get more in depth with all the aspects of your artistry. This was the course I chose and it has turned out to be a blessing. The main focus was on finishing the album project I started in 2018 and shipping it off for mixing and mastering in Minneapolis. This work was completed shortly before Christmas, and now I can happily say that “Ivory Flow” is ready to be duplicated and prepared for the market place.

 In addition to this I have continued my piano teaching, although with fewer students. And I have gotten very detailed in the way I practice including getting back into my classical books. Composing is a constant and new ideas are always flowing. I think I can speak for all my fellow artists when I say that finally being able to reconnect with our live audiences when the venues reopen will be the biggest gift of all.