The Political Climate in America

This great nation of ours is probably more divided and polarized than at any time since the Civil War.  This is mostly due to the fact that we’ve had a leader who came in promising to make America great again but instead managed to stoke peoples’ fears and prejudices, turning one against another. This along with the pandemic has put America in its lowest place in decades. History will record that the American people finally said enough! Through the Democratic process of voting these dividers were fired and a new administration will be coming in to clean up the mess, with a big focus on eradicating the virus that the previous administration ignored and called a hoax. Our lives will change for the better in this new atmosphere, businesses will open up, we entertainers will be able to do shows again, because let’s face it, nothing brings people together like live music. It is truly the food for the soul that everyone has been missing.

For these reasons I am feeling totally optimistic about what 2021 will bring, including the release of my brand new music.

~Bobby Lyle